The Wound is Where the Light Enters You

Facing our darkest shadows unlocks the prison of the mind to create profound energetic shifts in our reality

Andrea Herman
28 min readMay 27, 2024
Photo by Umberto on Unsplash

The wound is the place where the Light enters you — Rumi

In February 2010, I went on a long weekend ski trip to Vermont with a ski club, along with a childhood friend of mine.

Joining that club was an important part of my journey for a few different reasons. A year earlier, in 2009, I had joined the club on my own as a way of trying new things, honing a skill, meeting new people and being boldly independent. The ski club made weekly trips. On the second week, I fell, tore a ligament in my knee and spent the next few weeks on crutches and the rest of the year in recovery, focusing on rehabilitation and self care.

I see now that this experience played a pivotal role in developing my resiliency for the challenging spiritual journey that was gradually unfolding.

