Overcoming the Demons that Close the Heart

The delicate balance of reopening the heart after passing through the darkest moments of my twin flame connection

Andrea Herman
26 min readJun 5, 2024
Photo by Kenny Webster on Unsplash

After my twin flame and I first broke up in 2011, I confided in my Reiki healer that I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed out by the fact that my twin flame didn’t want to leave me alone, even though he had been the one to break up with me. He was constantly showing up at my desk at the office where we both worked, and each time, it triggered immense anxiety and a flood of grief that I would do my best to withhold until he was out of sight.

My Reiki healer said, matter-of-factly, “That’s how he feeds himself.”

I knew she was right. He was trying to consume my energy, in any way he could get it, on his terms, and outside of the committed relationship that he knew I wanted.

When we first broke up, I was deeply committed to keeping my heart as open and expansive as it had been when he and I first got together. I knew that as long as I could hold onto that feeling, I could conquer the world, no matter who was with me or not. I worked at staying positive and gracious and trusting that the universe had something even better in store for me than the gift of what this relationship had been, before he had started to…

