A Love That is Stronger Than Death

The transformational power and purpose of twin flame love

Andrea Herman
32 min readMay 31, 2024
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

When you love someone unconditionally, that love becomes your home. And you can abide in it and experience great peace and joy within it, regardless of who joins you, or for how long.

Recently, I went deep into some shadow work to excavate new layers of some core wounds as part of my ever-unfolding healing journey.

I sat and wrote for hours, engrossed in my work to such an extent that I didn’t notice the bat — yes the winged rodent type of ‘bat’— sleeping upside down on the wall just about 10 feet away from me, in a spot where it had been directly hanging, presumably, all day. Basically just “watching” me, although its face was to the wall.

Photo by Riizz on Unsplash

At first I thought there was a very still, rotund mouse on my wall. But this was soon followed by the creeping realization that it was in fact one of those fanged creatures of the night — a nocturnal animal having his daytime snooze. In my house.

